Our Supporters

We are grateful for the support of many local organisations, large and small:

  • Kenilworth Town Council – Operational costs 
  • Perforated Stamps and Products 
  • Kenilworth Community Forum
  • Kenilworth United Charities – for helping to fund youth work
  • Kenilworth Lions – Youth/Building and Maintenance 
  • Kenilworth Rotary – Youth mentoring and counselling 
  • Kenilworth Mayor – Pathway to Work Project 
  • The Cycle Recycler – Youth 
  • Recycling 4 Kenilworth-Recycling to Raise Funds
  • Flourish – Youth 
  • Mid8 Music – Radio Abbey 
  • Regency Fireplaces – Radio Abbey 
  • Treehouse Bookshop – Radio Abbey 
  • Kenilworth Books – Abbey End Studios 
  • The Round Table – Radio Abbey & Abbey End Studios 
  • Listening Shelf Audio – Abbey End Studios 
  • Kenilworth Arts Festival – Abbey End Studios 
  • Ladbrooke Audio – Abbey End Studios 
  • Amtico – building and maintenance 
  • Mercia Carpets – buiding and maintenence 

Our Amazing Community Sponsorsfind out how to get involved.